

Censorship on film tapes

Article 1- All cinematic tapes are subject to monitoring and may not be shown to the public in cinema halls, private clubs, or anywhere else without a permit from the Public Security Directorate. The ...

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According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and "this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference. To search for, receive and impart various kinds of information and ideas to others, regardless of frontiers, whether orally, in writing, in print, in the form of art, or by any means of his choice."The exercise of the right provided for in the preceding paragraph may not be subject to prior Censorship, but may be subject to the imposition of subsequent liability expressly determined by law.


Repeal the article and amend the censorship law on cinematic work only to ensure the protection of minors by creating a legal mechanism for classifying films by a qualified body, not by a security entity, and ensuring that films are not shown or requested to be modified. Any act that is subject to interpretation remains within the jurisdiction of the court for any subsequent and not prior censorship to decide on it.

Censorship of theatrical productions

Article 1 - All plays are subject to the prior control of the General Directorate of General Security, which is entitled to refuse to show them or to approve them in whole or in part.

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According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and "this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference. To search for, receive and impart various kinds of information and ideas to others, regardless of frontiers, whether orally, in writing, in print, in the form of art, or by any means of his choice."


Repealing the Article.

Censorship on artwork

Article 4 of the 2000 Budget Law No. 173 - It is permissible to collect various taxes and fees shown in Table No. 9: A license to import and export books, newspapers and magazines, and theatrical play ...

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According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and "this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference. To search for, receive and impart various kinds of information and ideas to others, regardless of frontiers, whether orally, in writing, in print, in the form of art, or by any means of his choice. "The exercise of the right provided for in the preceding paragraph may not be subject to prior Censorship, but may be subject to the imposition of subsequent liability expressly determined by law.


Repealing the Article.

Electronic Transactions and protection of personal data law

Article 126 - The Public Prosecution may decide to stop electronic services, block websites, or freeze accounts on them temporarily for a maximum period of thirty days, renewable once by a reasoned de ...

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Article 126 blatantly contradicts Article 125 of the same law, which authorizes the court looking into specific cases that are limited to the text of the law and by a final ruling only to stop electronic services, block websites, or cancel accounts on them. And limiting the right to take this measure concerning crimes related to terrorism, pornography to minors, prohibited gambling games, organized electronic fraud, money laundering, and others. French law does not allow the Public Prosecution to request the blocking of any electronic service directly from service providers, but rather the Public Prosecution may resort to the judiciary to take any urgent or final measure regarding a service or website that is complained of.


Amendment of the Article so that the Public Prosecution has to review the competent judiciary to freeze or block any website.

Publications Law

Article 50 - By a decision of the Minister of Guidance, News and Tourism, it is prohibited to enter any foreign publication into Lebanon, and its copies will be confiscated if it is found that the pub ...

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Administrative control over freedom of expression, writing and circulation of information is illegal. Any prohibition of a publication from entering the country and its confiscation must be in accordance with a reasoned judicial decision and be notified by the stakeholder to express its defense.


Cancel the article for including of elastic phrases, provided that the decision to ban is limited to judiciary and not to the administrative authority.

Censorship on artwork

Article 4 of the 2000 Budget Law No. 173 - It is permissible to collect various taxes and fees shown in Table No. 9: A license to import and export Photography licenses, video shows, cinema and tuning ...

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Not Compliant with Standards


According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and "this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference. To search for, receive and impart various kinds of information and ideas to others, regardless of frontiers, whether orally, in writing, in print, in the form of art, or by any means of his choice. "The exercise of the right provided for in the preceding paragraph may not be subject to prior Censorship, but may be subject to the imposition of subsequent liability expressly determined by law.


Repealing the Article.

Censorship on artwork

Article 1:-All plays are subject to the prior control of the General Directorate of General Security, which is entitled to refuse to show them or to approve them in whole or in part.

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Not Compliant with Standards


According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and "this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference. To search for, receive and impart various kinds of information and ideas to others, regardless of frontiers, whether orally, in writing, in print, in the form of art, or by any means of his choice."


Repealing the Article

Censorship on artwork

Article 1: All cinematic tapes are subject to monitoring and may not be shown to the public in cinema halls, private clubs, or anywhere else without a permit from the Public Security Directorate. The ...

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Not Compliant with Standards


According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and "this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference. To search for, receive and impart various kinds of information and ideas to others, regardless of frontiers, whether orally, in writing, in print, in the form of art, or by any means of his choice. "The exercise of the right provided for in the preceding paragraph may not be subject to prior Censorship, but may be subject to the imposition of subsequent liability expressly determined by law.


Repeal the article and amend the censorship law on cinematic work only to ensure the protection of minors by creating a legal mechanism for classifying films by a qualified body, not by a security entity, and ensuring that films are not shown or requested to be modified. Any act that is subject to interpretation remains within the jurisdiction of the court for any subsequent and not prior censorship to decide on it.

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